Sekian banyak jenis alarm yang terdapat pada DWDM hiT 7300, mungkin kita hanya tahu beberapa jenis alarm saja dari sekian banyak jenis alarm. Salah satu jenis alarm yang sangat kenal yaitu LOS (Loss of Signal) alarm, alarm inilah yang sering terdengar bahkan ketika terjadi gangguan pada perangkat telekomunikasi DWDM, silahkan hitung saja berapa banyak kita menangani gangguan dan jenis alarm apa yang sering ditangani. Ketika terjadi gangguan pada perangkat telekomunikasi DWDM, coba cek alarm apa yang muncul? karena menurut saya mengetahui jenis alarm itu penting, dengan mengetahui jenis alarm setidaknya kita sudah mengetahui sebab akibat dari problem yang terjadi, sehingga mempermudah dalam action pertama yang mesti dilakukan. Pada perangkat DWDM hiT 7300 dibagi beberapa kategori alarm :
1. Equipment alarms :
ACTLP Active Loop (ACTLP)
APRM Automatic Power Reduction Mode (APRM)
CCFAIL Card Communication Failure (CCFAIL)
CFF Compact Flash Failure (CFF)
CMISM Card Mismatch (CMISM)
CMISS Card Missing (CMISS)
CMM Client Mode Mismatch (CMM)
CONCABF Connection Cable Fail (CONCABF)
CP Card Problem (CP)
FCTNS Function Not Supported (FCTNS)
FilterExpired Filter Life Time Expired (FilterExpired)
FMISM Frequency Mismatch (Optical Interface) (FMISM)
ISLP Interstage Loss Alarm (ISLP)
LowCfsuFlow Low CFSU Flow (LowCfsuFlow)
LSBFAIL Laser Safety Bus Failure (LSBFAIL)
MeasFail Measurement Failed (MeasFail)
MMISM Module Mismatch (MMISM)
MMISS Module Missing (MMISS)
MNOTCT Module Not Certified (MNOTCT)
MP Module Problem (MP)
NLD No Light Detected (NLD)
OBFF Onboard Flash Failure (OBFF)
OBRF Receive Failure at Booster Stage (OBRF)
OBTF Booster Stage Transmit Fail (OBTF)
OPRF Optical Preamplifier Stage Receive Failure (OPRF)
OPTF Preamplifier Stage Transmit Fail (OPTF)
OSCTD OSC Laser Transmit Degrade (OSCTD)
OSCTF OSC Laser Transmit Fail (OSCTF)
OverPower1M Over Power 1M (OverPower1M)
PD Pump Degrade (PD)
PF Pump Fail (PF)
POOR Power Out of Range (POOR)
PS1 Power Supply 1 Problem (PS1)
PS2 Power Supply 2 Problem (PS2)
PS3 Power Supply 3 Problem (PS3)
PS4 Power Supply 4 Problem (PS4)
Pu1TD Pump 1 Transmit Degrade (Pu1TD)
Pu2TD Pump 2 Transmit Degrade (Pu2TD)
Pu3TD Pump 3 Transmit Degrade (Pu3TD)
Pu4TD Pump 4 Transmit Degrade (Pu4TD)
Pu1TF Pump 1 Transmit Fail (Pu1TF)
Pu2TF Pump 2 Transmit Fail (Pu2TF)
Pu3TF Pump 3 Transmit Fail (Pu3TF)
Pu4TF Pump 4 Transmit Fail (Pu4TF)
SBLOS Sub Band Loss Of Signel (SBLOS)
SLH Span Loss High (SLH)
SLL Span Loss Low (SLL)
SRMISS Shelf Missing (SRMISS)
SWP Switch Problem (SWP)
TD Transmit Degrade (TD)
TempM Temperature Problem (major) (TempM)
TempMIN Temperature Problem (minor) (TempMIN)
TempP Temperature Problem (TempP)
TempP1 Temperature Problem 1 (TempP1)
TempP2 Temperature Problem 2 (TempP2)
TF Transmit Fail (TF)
WRGSR Wrong Shelf Type (WRGSR)
2. Communication alarms :
BDI Backward Defect Indication (BDI)
CHM Channel Mismatch (CHM)
CSF_LCS GFP Client Signal Fail – Loss of Character Synchronization
CSF_LOS GFP Client Signal Fail – Loss of Signal (CSF_LOS
DEG Degraded Signal (DEG)
DEG-O Degraded Signal (OSC) (DEG-O)
DOPFail Degree of polarization failure (DOPFail)
DRM GFP Data Rate Mismatch (DRM)
EOCI External Open Connection Indication (EOCI)
EXC-O Excessive Bit Error Ratio (OSC) (EXC-O)
EXM GFP Extension Header Mismatch (EXM)
ITIM Internal Trace Identifier Mismatch (ITIM)
LCK Locked Defect (LCK)
LFD GFP Loss of Frame Delineation (LFD)
LOF Loss of Frame (LOF)
LOF-egress Loss of Frame (egress) (LOF-egress)
LOFLOM Loss of Frame and Multiframe (LOFLOM)
LOF-O Loss of Frame (OSC overhead) (LOF-O)
LOM Loss of Multiframe (LOM)
LOS Loss of Signal (LOS)
LOS-O Loss of Signal (OSC) (LOS-O)
LOS-P Loss of Signal (payload) (LOS-P)
LSM Link State Mismatch (LSM)
LSS Loss of PRBS Lock (LSS)
LTC Loss of Tandem Connection (LTC)
MSIM Multiplex Structure Identifier Mismatch (MSIM)
NFR GFP No Frames Received (NFR)
OCI Open Connection Indication (OCI)
OOS GFP Frames Out of Sequence (OOS)
OPR Optical Power Received Too Low (OPR)
PESF Preemphasis Section Fail (PESF)
PHF Power Too High Failure (PHF)
PLF Power Too Low Failure (PLF)
PLM Payload Mismatch (PLM)
SSF Server Signal Fail (SSF)
SSF-egress Server Signal Fail (egress) (SSF-egress)
SSF-O Server Signal Fail (OSC) (SSF-O)
SSF-P Server Signal Fail (payload) (SSF-P)
SSF-prot Server Signal Fail (protection) (SSF-prot)
SYNCF Synchronization Failure (SYNCF)
SYNCF-egress Synchronization Failure (egress) (SYNCF-egress)
TCLL TDC Control Loop Limit (TCLL)
TIM Trace Identifier Mismatch (TIM)
TIM-egress Trace Identifier Mismatch (egress) (TIM-egress)
TNEF Target NE Failure (TNEF)
UCI GFP Unexpected Channel ID (UCI)
UPM GFP User Payload Mismatch (UPM)
VOATC VOA Threshold Crossed (VOATC)
3. Processing Error alarms :
APSM APS Mismatch (APSM)
NQO Notification Queue Overflow (NQO)
RQO Request Queue Overflow
4. Environmental alarms :
EXT External Alarm (EXT)
5. Quality of Service alarms :
TCA Threshold Crossing Alert (TCA)
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Sumber : Nisya Ulmiah (me)
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